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A Country Of Two Continents


Georgia: A Land of Diverse Geography and History

A Country of Two Continents

Georgia is a fascinating country located at the crossroads of Asia and Europe. It is bordered by the Black Sea to the west, Russia to the north and northeast, Turkey to the southwest, and Armenia to the south. This strategic location has shaped Georgia's history and culture, as it has been a meeting point for different civilizations throughout the centuries.

Geography and Climate

Georgia is a mountainous country, with the Greater Caucasus Mountains running along its northern border and the Lesser Caucasus Mountains in the south. The country's highest peak is Mount Shkhara, which rises to an elevation of 5,068 meters (16,627 feet). Georgia's climate is influenced by its location between the Black Sea and the mountains, with hot, humid summers and cold, snowy winters.

Historical Overview

Georgia has a rich and diverse history, dating back to ancient times. The country was first unified in the 3rd century BC under the kingdom of Iberia. Over the centuries, Georgia was ruled by a variety of empires, including the Roman Empire, the Persian Empire, and the Ottoman Empire. In the 19th century, Georgia became part of the Russian Empire. It gained independence in 1918 but was annexed by the Soviet Union in 1921.

Georgia declared independence from the Soviet Union in 1991. The country has since faced a number of challenges, including ethnic conflicts and economic instability. However, Georgia has made significant progress in recent years and is now a stable democracy with a growing economy.

